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Empirical Research on Grass-roots Government Department Public Satisfaction  ( CPCI-S收录)  


英文题名:Empirical Research on Grass-roots Government Department Public Satisfaction

作者:Xu Gui-hong[1]


机构:[1]Henan Univ Finance & Econ, Sch Publ Management, Zhengzhou 450011, Peoples R China


会议论文集:International Conference on Public Economics and Management (ICPEM2009)

会议日期:NOV 28-29, 2009

会议地点:Xiamen, PEOPLES R CHINA


外文关键词:grass-roots government department; service quality; service recovery; public satisfaction

摘要:A grass-roots government department public satisfaction model including public satisfaction, public expectation, perceived quality and service recovery were proposed. The purpose of this study is examining the correlation of public satisfaction, public expectation, perceived quality and service recovery. The fieldwork was conducted in Industry and Commerce Bureau,Taxation Bureau and other departments in Nanshan District Shenzhen City (N=145). The research result shows that public satisfaction has significant negative correlation with public expectation, has significant positive correlation with perceived quality and service recovery. What's more, perceived quality has significant negative correlation with public expectation, as significant positive correlation with service recovery. The analysis shows the main influence factors of public satisfaction. This study therefore is helpful for further researching government service strategy and providing useful suggestions for grass-roots government department and its staff in improving public satisfaction.



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