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Corporate Governance, Audit Risk and Audit Pricing: Empirical Evidence Based on CCGI^(NK)



英文题名:Corporate Governance, Audit Risk and Audit Pricing: Empirical Evidence Based on CCGI^(NK)









外文期刊名:Nankai Business Review




外文关键词:Corporate Governance; CCGI^NK; Audit Risk; Auditor Size; Audit Pricing

This paper uses the same 55 Chinese listed companies from year 2001 to 2004 as the sample, adopts the 2002 year's index of corporate governance (shortened form, CCGI^NK, issued by The Research Center of Corporate Governance of Nankai University) as the corporate governance level, and adopts the method of multiple- regression, to analyze the relationship among the corporate gov- ernance, audit risk, auditor size, and audit pricing. The lists of 55 Chinese listed companies and the corporate governance index come from the 2002 year's 100 Best Chinese listed companies in corporate governance which was promulgated by The Research Center of Corporate Governance of Nankai University, the lists and the corporate governance index was published on Management World, the 2th periodical,2004. It finds that, the higher the CCGI^NK, the lower the audit price, and with the increase of CCGI^NK, the Big4 and domestic Big5, or Big10, does reduce the audit price significantly, but domestic second Big5 does not reduce the audit price significantly. It suggests that, the audit price is adjusted by audit risk which originates from corporate governance, and the Big4 and domestic Big5, or Big10, is more sensitive to audit risk which originates from corporate governance. The reason may be that the big auditors use the risk-oriented audit pattern more reasonably, and they have used the risk-oriented audit pattern earlier than the releasing of new independent audit standards of year 2006, and adopts the risk-pricing strategy to keep the clients with higher quality, because the Chinese independent audit market is a competed market. This paper also makes an auditor choice prediction, and it finds that the coefficient of CCGI^NK is significantly negative, that is to say, the higher quality clients tend to choose the small auditors, and the auditing demand of signaling to the market is not strong. This paper makes a partial modification on the opinion of big auditors getting reputation price.



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