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Some issues in modelling land use and land cover change



英文题名:Some issues in modelling land use and land cover change










外文期刊名:Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment





外文关键词:land use/cover change models; scale and level; theory support; accuracy validation

Land use/cover change models are tools to support the analysis of the complex processes of land use/ cover changes and to provide better information for land use planning and policy. In order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of current land use/cover modeling techniques, current land use/cover change models were reviewed based on types of land use/cover change, scale and level of analysis, theory supports for developing models, and validation of models. It was concluded that the following issues should be given specific attention in developing a new generation of land use/cover change models: 1 )Modelling land use/cover modification. Land use/cover changes are not simple processes. There are complex simultaneous patterns of land use/cover change, ranging from modifications in land use/cover to conversions. Most available data of land use/cover change are about conversions and often does not reflect modifications in land use/cover. More attention should be paid to the modifications in land use/cover investigation and models in order to understand the dynamics of land use/cover change and its effects. 2) Scale and level of analysis. Land use/cover change is generally seen as a multi - scale process in which processes and driving factors operating at different scales and levels influencing the actual rate and location of land use/cover change. However, research models are most often do not designed for analysis at multiple scales synchronously. More methods, including equilibrium analysis in economics and multi -level modeling in statistics, should be used in developing land use/cover change models, and do not strictly adhere any one methods in order to adequately deal with interactions between levels of analysis. 3) Theory support to land use/cover change models. It is difficult to get one overarching theory of land use science that could lead model development. Therefore, the best way forward is to explore more perspectives for land use/cover change modeling frameworks by dividing the complex processes into several relative simple processes, and then integrating them into a comprehensive model. 4) Validation of land use/cover change models. The majority of the large number of existing land use/cover change models lack a proper validation. Useful techniques of validation for multi - spatial and multi - temporal land use/cover change models should be found in the future research. In addition, uncertainty analysis is also an important component in testing a land use/cover change model's prediction accuracy.



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