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Workplace Status,Job Autonomy and Bootleg Innovation:The Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation



英文题名:Workplace Status,Job Autonomy and Bootleg Innovation:The Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation










外文期刊名:Innovation science and technology





外文关键词:bootleg innovation;workplace status;job autonomy;entrepreneurial orientation

In the context of the evolving digital economy and widespread integration of artificial intelligence technology,market dynamics are undergoing rapid changes.The competitive landscape has become increasingly dynamic and intricate,prompting enterprises to place a growing emphasis on fostering employee innovation as a mean to gain a competitive edge.However,at the micro level of enterprise competition,there exists a limitation in the organizational provision of resources to support employee initiatives.Despite employees'ability to identify and perceive customers'needs and potential opportunities at the grassroots level,the realization of their innovative ideas becomes challenging,constraining the overall innovative vitality of enterprises.Bootleg innovation serves as a strategic avenue for employees to overcome these constraints,enabling them to break free from the limitations of organizational resources.By creatively proposing ideas that address customers'or organizational development needs,employees enhance service capabilities,thus contributing to the core competitiveness of enterprise development.Therefore,within the context of the deep implementation of an innovation-driven development strategy,researching the formation mechanism of individual employees'bootleg innovation behavior becomes crucial for exploring new avenues and tracks.It also aids in correctly understanding and managing employees'bootleg innovation behavior.This paper adopts the self-determination theory and employs a matching questionnaire survey method to conduct a statistical analysis of 264 matching data from enterprises in Beijing,Zhengzhou,and Guangzhou et al.The objective is to investigate the influence of workplace status on bootleg innovation and explore the mediating mechanism and moderating role of job autonomy and entrepreneurial orientation in this process.The findings indicate that employees'workplace status has a positive impact on bootleg innovation behavior.Job autonomy acts as a mediating factor in the relationship between workplace status and bootleg innovation.Additionally,entrepreneurial orientation positively moderates the relationship between job autonomy and bootleg innovation.In other words,a stronger entrepreneurial orientation atmosphere in the organization enhances the influence of workplace status on bootleg innovation through the job autonomy.This study delves into the relationship between employees'workplace status and bootleg innovation at the individual level.It refines the path mechanism and contextual factors influencing workplace status's impact on employees'bootleg innovation behavior,thereby enriching the understanding of bootleg innovation antecedents.Moreover,the study offers practical insights for the management.Managers should accurately comprehend bootleg innovation behavior,refraining from viewing it solely as detrimental conduct that requires suppression.Furthermore,they should avoid confining employees to rigid working methods and processes,instead empowering them with autonomy.Lastly,companies can effectively navigate complex challenges and risks by fostering an entrepreneurial-oriented atmosphere,cultivating a forward-looking vision,and actively encouraging internal innovation.



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