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Time-Series SBAS Pixel Offset Tracking Method for Monitoring Three-Dimensional Deformation in a Mining Area  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)  


英文题名:Time-Series SBAS Pixel Offset Tracking Method for Monitoring Three-Dimensional Deformation in a Mining Area

作者:Huang, Jilei[1,2,3];Bai, Yang[1,4];Lei, Shaogang[3];Deng, Kazhong[3]

第一作者:Huang, Jilei

通讯作者:Huang, JL[1];Bai, Y[1];Huang, JL[2];Huang, JL[3];Bai, Y[4]

机构:[1]Henan Univ, Henan Ind Technol Acad Spatio Temporal Big Data, Kaifeng 475001, Peoples R China;[2]Henan Univ Econ & Law, Coll Resources & Environm, Zhengzhou 450016, Peoples R China;[3]China Univ Min & Technol, China Minist Nat Resources Peoples Republ China, Key Lab Land Environm & Disaster Monitoring, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, Peoples R China;[4]Henan Univ, Coll Environm & Planning, Kaifeng 475001, Peoples R China

第一机构:Henan Univ, Henan Ind Technol Acad Spatio Temporal Big Data, Kaifeng 475001, Peoples R China

通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Henan Univ, Henan Ind Technol Acad Spatio Temporal Big Data, Kaifeng 475001, Peoples R China;[2]corresponding author), Henan Univ Econ & Law, Coll Resources & Environm, Zhengzhou 450016, Peoples R China;[3]corresponding author), China Univ Min & Technol, China Minist Nat Resources Peoples Republ China, Key Lab Land Environm & Disaster Monitoring, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, Peoples R China;[4]corresponding author), Henan Univ, Coll Environm & Planning, Kaifeng 475001, Peoples R China.|[104848]河南财经政法大学资源与环境学院;[10484]河南财经政法大学;






基金:This work was supported in part by the Projects Funded by the Open Program of Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China Key Laboratory of Land Environment and Disaster Monitoring under Grant LEDM2018B05, in part by the Key Program of Henan Industrial Technology Academy of Spatio-Temporal Big Data under Grant 2019DJB003, in part by the Key Scienti~c Research Program of Colleges and Universities in Henan Province under Grant 19B440001 and Grant 20A420001, in part by the Key Research and Development and Promotion Special Projects in Henan Province under Grant 202102310014, and in part by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant 2018M640669.


外文关键词:SAR; pixel offset tracking; mining subsidence; three-dimensional deformation

摘要:The ground surface deformation caused by mining damages the ecological environment and severely hinder economic development in the mining area. The acquisition of three-dimensional ground surface deformation in a mining area helps to improve understanding of the process and mechanism of ground surface deformation caused by mining and helps to prevent and control this type of disaster. In this paper, eleven TerraSAR-X images and five Radarsat-2 images covering the 52304 working face in the Daliuta mining area were used to obtain the time-series line-of-sight (LOS) direction deformation and azimuth direction deformation based on different SAR platforms by application of the small baseline subset (SBAS) pixel offset tracking method. According to the three-dimensional solution principle of multiplatform SAR images and 72 GPS points, the accuracy of deformation in the east-west direction is 0.22 m, while the accuracy in the north-south direction is 0.21 m, with an accuracy of subsidence of 0.34 m.



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