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Research on the Impact of Touch Experience on the Diffusion of Innovations of High-tech Product



英文题名:Research on the Impact of Touch Experience on the Diffusion of Innovations of High-tech Product









外文期刊名:Economic Management Journal





外文关键词:touch experience; high-tech product; decision-making environment; innovation diffusion

The life cycles of technology are getting shorter and shorter, the replacement rate of innovative prod ucts is becoming faster and faster, which force enterprises to increase investment in R & D. Clearly, in this con text, the risks of R & D and production of hightech enterprises are very high. Even if the technology was success fully developed, without an effective fast diffusion, the technologywould perish rapidly. Therefore, the innovation diffusion of hightech became very important. Existing researches about influencing factors on the innovation diffusion of new products were more concentrat ed in the following areas : marketing mix factors ( such as price ; place ; product) ; competitors factors ( such brand competition) and consumer factors(such as consumer innovativeness; personal characteristics; consumers' product knowledge) , existing researches rarely studied from the sensory perspective, however, studies had found that the products were inherently pleasure people's senses; The more senses enterprises eouldcreate and highlight for prod ucts, the products more attractive to consumers, consumers' purchase intention would be strong. So, in this paper, the author analyzed the influence of touch experience on the diffusion of innovations of high tech product, analyzed the mediator effects of product attribute and hedonie experience, as well as the moderator effects of the decisionmaking environment. Using betweengroups design, the author confirmed that: the influence of touch experience on consumers' purchase intention was significant, the higher the degree of consumers touching products was, the greater consumers' willingness to buy was ; the mediator effects of product attribute perception and hedonic experience were significant, that was, the impact of touch experienceon purchase intention was completely through product attributes and hedonic experience, which was of great significance for deepening the understanding of the role of touch experience, and reveal the "black box" between touch and highteeh product innovation diffu sion. Compared to lowtouch, consumers with hightouch experience access to product attributes and hedonie expe rience were more vulnerable to the extent of decisionmaking environment noisy. The environment was quiet, con sumers with hightouch experience weremore easy to extract information, thus showing a greater willingness to buy; however, consumers' behavior with lowtouch experience did not change significantly. So touch marketing should arouse enough attention of the enterprises, the enterprises should be based on these characteristics to develop appropriate marketing strategies to improve the speed of innovation diffusion of hightech products. ( 1 ) Enterprises should pay attention to that touch could bring the product attribute perception and hedonic experience. Especially, in reality, the product experience stores, the counter stores (often using a mobile phone models allow consumers to experience) and online shops coexistence, businesses should not blindly expand online store, even if enterprises sale products online shops, they should combine online storeswith the experience stores, so that consumers could touch products, and finished purchase in the experience store or online store. (2)Enterpri ses should try to take measures to make product attributes more clearly and easily extractable; and for hightech products,enterprises should enhance consumers' enjoyment experience to promote innovative consumers' purchase as soon as possible, thus to stimulate the innovation diffusion of products. (3)When sale products in the shops, en terprises should try to make consumers to make decision in a quiet environment, design individual experience space in the store, which isolate thenoisy world achieved the best. when necessarily, companies could outside, so that the touch effects



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