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Does Ultimate Controlling Owners’ Political Status Mitigate the Credit Banks’ Dependence on the Accounting Information: An Empirical Study Based on Perspective of Selfdiscipline Corporate Governance



英文题名:Does Ultimate Controlling Owners’ Political Status Mitigate the Credit Banks’ Dependence on the Accounting Information: An Empirical Study Based on Perspective of Selfdiscipline Corporate Governance









外文期刊名:Nankai Business Review





外文关键词:Private Listed Companies; Ultimate Controlling Owner; Political Reputation; Self-discipline Governance; Accounting Information; Loan Contract

This article inspects whether the ultimate controlling owners' political status alleviates the credit banks' dependence on the accounting information of Chinese private listed companies. The accounting information can reflect the debtors' repaying capability and profitability in a way, but the accounting information may be distorted by accounting technique, such as the historical cost system, the accrual accounting basis, so the financial statements can not supply complete information for credit banks. The ultimate controlling owners' political status is an important unofficial institution arrangement, and it can create competition advantage and reputation for the enterprises, because the ultimate controlling owners who have got political status can participate in the process of policy making of the state, can acquaint the trend of government's industry policy change, can make good relationship with the government and the officials, and can alleviate the supervising intensity from related departments, and even can get loans by so called "political or policy loan", so, on the one hand, the ultimate controlling owners' political status maybe an important signal transfer mechanism of the enterprises and a safeguard mechanism of the enterprises' loan contract; on the other hand, the ultimate controlling owners' political status may be an important instrument with which can wield a direct influence on banks' loan policy making. This study finds that the ultimate controlling owners' political status mitigates the credit banks' dependence on accounting information, and the higher the level of political status, the stronger the above effects. It also finds that the politically connected firms have lower probabilities in departure from loan contract, the incidence of illegal events, and obtaining severe auditing opinions, but the firms' government and bank backgrounds do not weaken the function of accounting information, and the probabilities in departure from loan contract, the incidence of illegal events, and obtaining severe auditing opinions are not being declined by government and bank backgrounds. In summary, the politically connected firms have strong self-discipline incentive to safeguard political reputation and competition advantage, and the substitution effect stems from the self-discipline of enterprises which provides potential guarantee for the loan contract, but not from the political interference on the banks' loan decision-making.



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