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Comments on the "SSF Report" from the perspective of economic statistics    


英文题名:Comments on the "SSF Report" from the perspective of economic statistics

作者:Qiu, Dong[1];Li, Dongju[2]

第一作者:Qiu, Dong

通讯作者:Li, DJ[1]

机构:[1]Jiangxi Univ Finance & Econ, Sch Stat, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, Peoples R China;[2]Henan Univ Econ & Law, Sch Stat & Big Data, Zhengzhou 450046, Peoples R China

第一机构:Jiangxi Univ Finance & Econ, Sch Stat, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, Peoples R China

通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Henan Univ Econ & Law, Sch Stat & Big Data, Zhengzhou 450046, Peoples R China.|[10484]河南财经政法大学;







基金:This paper is a phased achievement of the Major Program of National Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of China (Grant No.18ZDA123) ,"Innovation Team of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Henan Colleges and Universities " (2017-CXTD-07) , and "Major Projects in Basic Research of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Henan Colleges and Universities" (2019-JCZD-002) .


外文关键词:GDP statistics; well-being measurement; sustainable development measurement; measuring dilemmas

摘要:Sustainable development measurement is an important exploration field in socio-economic statistics, which has been attached great importance by society for 30 years. In 2010, the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress (CMEPSP), headed by J.E. Stiglitz, A. Sen and J.P. Fitoussi, published a report entitled "Mis-measuring Our Lives: Why GDP Doesn't Add Up" ("SSF Report" for short). It systematically reviews and summarizes methods of economic measurement, of which classical GDP issues, well-being measurement and sustainable development measurement constitute the three main contents. Society is advancing and we cannot follow the existing measurement methods without carefully re-examination. This paper analyzes several measurement dilemmas hidden in GDP statistics, explores the feasibility and necessity of the well-being measurement, queries the sustainability of sustainable development measurement.



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