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Study on the Threshold Effect of Urbanization on the Competitiveness of Tourism Industry



英文题名:Study on the Threshold Effect of Urbanization on the Competitiveness of Tourism Industry










外文期刊名:Tourism Tribune





外文关键词:urbanization;competitiveness of tourist industry;feasible generalized least squares;threshold model

A key strategy for China’s economic development,urbanization necessarily affects tourism which is sensitive to external macro environment.It provides tremendous opportunities to improve the quality and efficiency as well as competitiveness of the tourist industry.However,studies on the relationship between urbanization and tourism development rarely discuss whether the former affects the latter.Divergence still exists and previous studies have not yet touched upon the exact effect of urbanization on tourism,or the effect of the S-curve of urbanization.Because of its effect of factors aggregation,urbanization can aggregate the competitive factors of tourism.It affects the construction of competitive advantages of the local tourism industry,and comprehensively improves the industrial competitiveness through its aggregation of competitive factors such as tourism resources,consumption demand,investment and industry structure.Moreover,the Scurve of urbanization(Northam,1975)causes a dynamic,non-linear change in the positive correlation of urbanization on the competitiveness of the tourism industry.On the ground of the above,this paper proposes the following two hypotheses:first,increase in urbanization level can lead to improvement in the competitiveness of the local tourism industry;second,the positive correlation between urbanization and the competitiveness of the tourist industry is dynamic and non-linear.To test the hypotheses,this paper takes as sample the panel data of 31 provincial-level administrative regions in China from 2003 to 2016.First,based on the dynamic characteristic of the industry performance and competition potential of tourism development,this paper constructs an evaluation index system for the competitiveness of the tourism industry and calculates the competitiveness indexes for the tourism industry of the 31 regions between 2003 and 2016 through the factor analysis.Then,this paper tests the effect of the urbanization on the tourism industry with feasible generalized least squares(FGLS).In addition,this study also conducts the robustness check using SYS-GMM.Finally,by using the Threshold Regression Model(Hansen,1999),this paper examines the dynamic and non-linear characteristic of the positive correlation between urbanization and competitiveness of the tourism industry.Thus,this paper provides theoretical explanation and policy suggestions on the construction of competitive advantages through effective use of urbanization as well as on the improvement of the competitiveness of the local tourist industry.The results indicate that urbanization has notably improved the competitiveness of the tourism industry,the latter increasing as urbanization proceeds.The Threshold Regression Model further proves that urbanization has a notable threshold effect on the competitiveness of the tourism industry.As the urbanization level passes the two thresholds of 60.05%and 69.20%,its contribution to the competitiveness of the tourist industry increases before decreasing.The result shows that the positive effect of urbanization on the competitiveness of the tourism industry is dynamic and non-linear,and that the effect is more evident in regions with lower urbanization levels.This paper’s possible innovations and contributions in research mainly are as follows.First,it has explained in theory the influence mechanism of urbanization on the development of the tourism industry,conducted empirical tests with a systematic and disciplined approach,and consequently expanded and deepened the studies on the relationship between urbanization and the tourist industry.Second,by applying the threshold regression model widely used in econometrics,this paper further proves the threshold effect of urbanization on the competitiveness of the tourism industry and the dynamic,non-linear characteristic of the effect.Through theoretical analysis and empirical tests,this paper has proved the positive effect of urbanization on improving the competitiveness of the tourism industry as well as the dynamic,nonlinear characteristic of the effect.It not only is a beneficial replenishment to the in-depth discussions on the relationship between urbanization and tourism development,but also bears practical significance for promoting urbanization and improving the competitiveness of the local tourism industry.Based on the studies,this paper has also proposed policy suggestions and discussed future research directions.



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