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Specialized Villages in Inland China: Spatial and Developmental Issues  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)  


英文题名:Specialized Villages in Inland China: Spatial and Developmental Issues

作者:Li, Xiaojian[1,2];Ye, Xinyue[3];Zhou, Xiongfei[4];Zheng, Chunhui[1];Leipnik, Mark[5];Lou, Fan[2]

第一作者:李小建;Li, Xiaojian

通讯作者:Lou, F[1];Ye, XY[2]

机构:[1]Henan Univ Econ & Law, Collaborat Innovat Ctr Urban Rural Coordinated De, Zhengzhou 450046, Henan, Peoples R China;[2]Henan Univ, Coll Environm & Planning, Inst Yellow River Civilizat & Sustainable Dev, Kaifeng 475001, Peoples R China;[3]New Jersey Inst Technol, Dept Informat, Urban Informat & Spatial Comp Lab, Newark, NJ 07102 USA;[4]Henan Univ Econ & Law, Coll Econ, Zhengzhou 450046, Henan, Peoples R China;[5]Sam Houston State Univ, Dept Geog & Geol, Huntsville, TX 77340 USA


通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Henan Univ, Coll Environm & Planning, Inst Yellow River Civilizat & Sustainable Dev, Kaifeng 475001, Peoples R China;[2]corresponding author), New Jersey Inst Technol, Dept Informat, Urban Informat & Spatial Comp Lab, Newark, NJ 07102 USA.






基金:The research was supported by projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41471117) and from Humanities and Social Science Research Institutes in the Ministry of Education of China (16JJD770021).


外文关键词:specialized villages; rural specialization; China

摘要:The development of specialized villages in China is an interesting trend. This paper studies specialized villages in China by using the rational small household theory, division of labor and specialization concepts, as well as the distance decay and neighborhood effect theories. We use the census data on specialized villages in Henan Province (the largest agricultural province in China) from 2010 as the basis for a case study, applying dummy variables representing sixteen types of specialized villages, and selecting environmental variables, such as land form, location, arable land area, and labor force characteristics. We find that significant factors related to specialization are location and production factors. Policy implications of this research are discussed.



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