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Key frame matching and dual direction Monte Carlo particle filter based video tooning  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Key frame matching and dual direction Monte Carlo particle filter based video tooning

作者:Song, J.B.[1]; Wan, J.L.[2]; Ye, L.[3]; Zhang, Q.[3]

第一作者:Song, J.B.

机构:[1] School of Information Engineering, Communication University of China, Beijing, China; [2] College of Computer and Information Engineering, Henan University of Economics and Law, Zhengzhou, China; [3] Key Laboratory of Media Audio and Video, Ministry of Education, Communication University of China, Beijing, China

第一机构:School of Information Engineering, Communication University of China, Beijing, China

会议论文集:Control Engineering and Information Systems - Proceedings of the International Conference on Control Engineering and Information System, ICCEIS 2014

会议日期:June 20, 2014 - June 22, 2014

会议地点:Yueyang, Hunan, China


外文关键词:Animation - Information systems - Information use - Linear transformations - Markov chains - Mathematical transformations

摘要:This paper aims at the difficulty that lack of observation model and high-dimensional sampling in video tooning, proposes a method based on key frame matching and dual-directional Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling of video motion redirection. At first, after extracting the key frame of a given video, By affine transformation and linear superposition, the subject initializes the video’s space-time parameters and forms the observation model; Secondly, in each space-time, based on the bi-directional Markov property of each frame, This paper proposed a dual-directional Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling particle filter structure and takes full advantage of the relationship of the front and back frame of the parameters to estimate motion redirection parameters. At the same time, for high-dimensional sampling problem, the subject according to the directional parameters’ correlation implements classification of skeleton parameters-morphological parameters-physical parameters, proposes a hierarchical genetic strategy to optimize the output parameters and improves the efficiency of the algorithm. The research of this paper will produce an efficient and prominent animation expressive video motion redirection method and play an important role on video animation of the development. ? 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London.



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