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Research on the influencing factors of employment location choice for farm households in agriculture area of Central China:A case study for three sampting villages in Henan province



英文题名:Research on the influencing factors of employment location choice for farm households in agriculture area of Central China:A case study for three sampting villages in Henan province









外文期刊名:Geographical Research





外文关键词:employment location; influence factor ;.farm household; agricultural area

The study on employment location of farm household is the basis of understanding flow law of farm employees. Through the case study on three sampting villages in Henan province, we find that the personal characteristic, family characteristic and the community characteristic have significant influence on the employment location choice. On personal characteristic, the sex has significant influence on employment space and also age on employment distance. On family characteristic, family type has significant influence on employment distance, as well as family generation number and learner number on employment distance and employment space. On community characteristic, economic development level and terrain in village have significant influence on employment space. The relation network of farm household plays a key role in the employment location choice. Based on gaining some earnings, the choice for employment location of farm household is the result of considering all the factors, such as personal characteristics, family characteristics and community characteristics. The farm household is in logos. The geographic factor has important influence on employment location. Like the migrants in migration, the non-permanence farm employees are also selective, but the causation is decreasing the family management cost and avoiding the migration risk. Therefore, to regulate the rule of labor mobility market, reduce the risk of migration, construct rural social service system and eliminate the worries of the employment workers have critical significance to rational flow of rural surplus labor. Their policy implications are that the guidance of early employees and nurturing network of relations are of great significance for development of labor economy to the villages that have fewer emigrants. When migrant workers develop into a relatively large size, potential employees are likely to be real employees relying on its own network. Therefore, the government should focus on nurturing the seed employees. Furthermore, the formation of that relation network has played a key part in the employment location choice in validating applicability of the "migration network theory" in temporary migration.



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