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Spatial concentration tendency and unbalanced development of elementary and middle schools under the background of urbanization in central rural area: A case study of Biyang county in Henan province



英文题名:Spatial concentration tendency and unbalanced development of elementary and middle schools under the background of urbanization in central rural area: A case study of Biyang county in Henan province










外文期刊名:Geographical Research





外文关键词:urbanization; disequilibrium; compulsory education; "empty nest"; "giant schools"

摘要:县域中小学等级规模的合理空间布局对实现义务教育公平具有重要意义。采用核密度估计、变异系数、集中度分析等方法对中部农区泌阳县2004-2016年间城乡中小学校空间集中趋势和非均衡发展状况进行实证研究。结果表明:中小学学校、学生都具有向县城、城镇集中的趋势,学校规模出现两极分化,全县范围内县城小学、中心小学、乡镇小学在校生、教师集中度显著增加,乡村学校学生、教师明显减少;县城学校对周边乡镇中小学产生辐射作用,使周围15 km范围内乡村中小学校学生、学校急剧减少,而15 km外农村相对影响较小;县域整体基础义务教育呈现由均衡化、一致化向差异化、非均衡化、集聚化发展的趋势,城镇学校出现"大型校""巨型校""大班额",而乡村学校则相反,出现"小型校""超小校""小班额"与"麻雀班";乡村中小学"空巢化"现象严重,全县学校在校生变异系数增大,非均衡发展状况突出。
The reasonable spatial distribution of the county-level elementary and middle schools is of importance to the realization of the fairness of compulsory education. Methods such as Kernel density estimation, variation coefficient and concentration analysis are used to make an empirical study on the spatial centralization tendency and the unbalanced development of elementary and middle schools from 2004 to 2016 in Biyang county of Henan province. The results show: (1) The tendencies of middle and elementary schools and current students are centralizing to the urban area, the numbers of both schools and current students increase in urban county area, polarization of school scale occurs, schools of appropriate scales decrease substantially; (2) The schools located in the urban area have great radiation function to the surrounding schools located in rural area within a scope of 15 km from the center point of the urban area, resulting in a significant reduction of students in the surrounding schools; comparatively, schools in villages located beyond 15 km are influenced little; (3) The concentration ratio of students and teachers in elementary schools located in urban and town areas, center elementary schools increases distinctively; and a decreasing tendency occurs to students and teachers in village schools; (4) The compulsory education in the county presents the tendency of developing from status of equalization, consistency to differentiation, polarization, unbalanced and centralization; (5) The loss of students in rural schools and the concentration of urban students make the scales of urban, town and rural schools differentiated and polarized, generating "Large school", "Giant school" and "Giant class" in urban and town areas, while generating "Small school", "Super-small school", "Small class" and "Sparrow class" in rural area; (6) Phenomenon of "Empty-nest" schools in villages is severe, the variation coefficient of the number of students in the study area is growing bigger, and the unbalanced development status is prominent.



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