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Self-developing Ability of Rural Households and Its Impact on Growth of the Household Income: A Geographical Study



英文题名:Self-developing Ability of Rural Households and Its Impact on Growth of the Household Income: A Geographical Study










外文期刊名:Acta Geographica Sinica





外文关键词:the self-developing ability; geographical environment; farmers' income; spatial increment; contribution of factors for growth; Henan

Using the improved method of entropy value of information and the multi-linear regression, we analyze the data for 1251 households of the 11 villages in Henan province. Based on conception of copulas of time and space, we quantitatively analyze the essential relation between farmers' self-developing ability and sustainable income-increasing for various geographical environments. We conclude: (1) Farmers' self-developing ability influences farmers' agricultural income, but the effects of geographical factors, such as the farmland, types of geographic conditions, etc. are more significant. The effect of farmland size is the largest for the mountainous areas, the less for the hilly areas, the smallest for the plain areas. The effect of farmers' self-developing ability is opposite to the effects of farmland size. (2) The farmers' self-developing ability and farmers' inputs of labor have a great influence the non-agricultural income of farmers, while the geographical factors do not have direct effect on farmers' non-agricultural income. The transportation conditions of the location of farms have indirect influence on agricultural income of farming households through influencing farmers' self-developing ability. (3) In different periods of farmers' developing process, the contribution of farmers' self-developing ability's to farmers' non-agricultural income is different. In the beginning stage of non-agricultural development of farmers, non-agricultural development of farmers relys almost completely on the inputs of labor, and the self-developing ability has almost no effect on the non-agricultural development of farmers. In the intermediate stage of non-agricultural development of farmers, the developing ability and input of labor contribute 50% to the non-agricultural development respectively. In the late stage of development, the ability's contribution falls to 15%. (4) The increment of return of non-agricultural income relies on the improvement of the ability of farmers and transportation conditions. In the period of lower return, the contribution of ability is about 2/3, but in the period of lower-middle retum, the increment of return relies on the improvement of transportation conditions. In the upper-middle period, the effect of transportation conditions begin to decrees, and in the period of high return, the effect of transportation conditions comes to zero while the increment of retum relies on the increment of ability.



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