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Distributed Incremental Traffic Flow Big Data Forecasting Method Based on Road Network Correlation



英文题名:Distributed Incremental Traffic Flow Big Data Forecasting Method Based on Road Network Correlation










外文期刊名:Scientia Geographica Sinica





外文关键词:traffic flow; big data; distributed incremental; road network correlation; STARIMA

Along with the accelerating urbanization, there are more and more contradictions between the num- ber of cars and urban transportation facilities. The congestion time and congested roads in cities are increasing. Intelligent urban traffic management platform is the effective method to alleviate the increasingly serious ur- ban congestion problems. By using prediction results of traffic flow big data, the platform can guide users to adjust the travel plan, and ease the traffic pressure effectively. How to use a large number of spatio-temporal data related to traffic activities to predict the traffic flow is the key to realizing traffic guidance. In this article, a distributed incremental aggregation method for traffic flow data is studied. The method combines the distrib- uted incremental data aggregation method with the traffic flow data cleaning rules, makes cleaning and count- ing of traffic flow big data, and provides data for traffic flow forecast. With the analysis of traffic flow correla- tion in the network of upstream and downstream, this article uses the multi-order of turning rate in the intersec- tion to quantize the correlation, builds the spatial weight matrix based on the road network correlation, and im- proves the STARIMA model. In this article, two groups of contrast experiments were made. Through the con- trast experiment between MapReduce method and MPI method, the result proves that the method proposed in this article is better than the MPI method in the development cycle and stable operation. The method' s efficien- cy can meet the need of traffic flow data aggregation. The traffic flow statistics can be used as the basis of traf- fic flow forecasting. Through the contrast experiment between the Improved STARIMA model and the Dynam- ic STARIMA model, the result proves that the Improved STARIMA model, which considers the multi-order correlation between the upstream and downstream sections, matches the distribution rules of traffic flow in road network better. Therefore, the forecast results are more accurate. In conclusion, the method of this article is a new method of traffic flow forecasting in the background of big data, and it can realize accurate prediction.



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