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Systematic Screening of Commonly Used Commercial Transfection Reagents towards Efficient Transfection of Single-Stranded Oligonucleotides  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)  


英文题名:Systematic Screening of Commonly Used Commercial Transfection Reagents towards Efficient Transfection of Single-Stranded Oligonucleotides

作者:Wang, Tao[1,2];Larcher, Leon M.[1];Ma, Lixia[3];Veedu, Rakesh N.[1,2]

第一作者:Wang, Tao

通讯作者:Veedu, RN[1];Veedu, RN[2]

机构:[1]Murdoch Univ, Ctr Comparat Genom, Perth, WA 6150, Australia;[2]Perron Inst Neurol & Translat Sci, Perth, WA 6009, Australia;[3]Henan Univ Econ & Law, Sch Stat, Zhengzhou 450046, Henan, Peoples R China

第一机构:Murdoch Univ, Ctr Comparat Genom, Perth, WA 6150, Australia

通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Murdoch Univ, Ctr Comparat Genom, Perth, WA 6150, Australia;[2]corresponding author), Perron Inst Neurol & Translat Sci, Perth, WA 6009, Australia.






基金:R.N.V. greatly acknowledges financial support from the Department of Health (Merit Award) the Western Australian Government; the McCusker Charitable Foundation; and the Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science. T.W. is supported by Murdoch University commercial research funding. Authors greatly appreciate and thank Sue Fletcher and Steve Wilton of Murdoch University, Stacey Edwards of QIMR Berghofer Institute, Bruno Meloni of Perron Institute of Neurological and Translational Science, and Willem Lesterhuis of Harry Perkins Institute, University of Western Australia for providing cells as mentioned in the materials and methods section.


外文关键词:single-stranded oligonucleotide; transfection reagent; cationic lipid; gene transfection; cytotoxicity

摘要:Non-viral vector-mediated transfection is a core technique for in vitro screening of oligonucleotides. Despite the growing interests in the development of oliogonucleotide-based drug molecules in recent years, a comprehensive comparison of the transfection efficacy of commonly used commercial transfection reagents has not been reported. In this study, five commonly used transfection reagents, including Lipofectamine 3000, Lipofectamine 2000, Fugene, RNAiMAX and Lipofectin, were comprehensively analyzed in ten cell lines using a fluorescence imaging-based transfection assay. Although the transfection efficacy and toxicity of transfection reagents varied depending on cell types, the toxicity of transfection reagents generally displayed a positive correlation with their transfection efficacy. According to our results, Lipofectamine 3000, Fugene and RNAiMAX showed high transfection efficacy, however, RNAiMAX may be a better option for majority of cells when lower toxicity is desired. The transfection efficacy of Lipofectamine 2000 was compromised by its high toxicity, which may adversely affect its application in most cells. We firmly believe that our findings may contribute to the future In vitro delivery and screening of single-stranded therapeutic oligonucleotides such as antisense oligonucleotides, antimiRs, and DNAzymes.



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