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Forecasting of reducing sugar yield from corncob after ultrafine grinding pretreatment based on GM(1,N) method and evaluation of biohydrogen production potential  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)  


英文题名:Forecasting of reducing sugar yield from corncob after ultrafine grinding pretreatment based on GM(1,N) method and evaluation of biohydrogen production potential

作者:Li, Yameng[1,2];Zhang, Zhiping[1,2];Jing, Yanyan[1,2];Liu, Tao[3];Fan, Xiaoni[1,2];Zhu, Shengnan[1,2];Jiang, Danping[1,2];Lu, Chaoyang[1,2];Zhang, Huan[1,2];Yue, Jianzhi[1,2];Zhang, Yang[1,2];Yao, Zhun[1,2];Petracchini, Francesco[4];Li, Defeng[1,2];Zhang, Quanguo[1,2]

第一作者:Li, Yameng

通讯作者:Zhang, QG[1]

机构:[1]Henan Agr Univ, Key Lab New Mat & Facil Rural Renewable Energy, MOA China, Zhengzhou 450002, Peoples R China;[2]Henan Int Joint Lab Biomass Energy & Nanomat, Zhengzhou 450002, Peoples R China;[3]Henan Univ Econ & Law, Coll Resource & Environm, Zhengzhou 450002, Peoples R China;[4]Natl Res Council Italy, Inst Atmospher Pollut Res, I-29300 Rome, Italy

第一机构:Henan Agr Univ, Key Lab New Mat & Facil Rural Renewable Energy, MOA China, Zhengzhou 450002, Peoples R China

通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Henan Agr Univ, Key Lab New Mat & Facil Rural Renewable Energy, MOA China, Zhengzhou 450002, Peoples R China.





基金:The present study was financed by key scientific research projects of colleges and universities of Henan Province (22A416006), National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFE0206600), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (52076068), and Youth Innovation Natural Science Foundation of Henan Agricultural University (KJCX2020A11).


外文关键词:GM(1,N); Ultrafine grinding; Corncob; Reducing sugar; Biohydrogen

摘要:Pretreatment of biomass helps to enhance reducing sugar yield from biomass during enzyme hydrolysis tests. Ultrafine grinding was applied to pretreat corncob. The effect of affecting factors including milling time, initial particle size and ball to power weight on the reducing sugar yield from corncob was investigated firstly. And then, an GM(1,N) model was constructed to model the ultrafine grinding pretreatment system predicting the reducing sugar yield from corncob based on experimental data, the results demonstrate GM(1,N) could predict the reducing sugar yield accurately and effectively without depending on the number of samples. The initial particle size was the most critical influential factor affecting reducing sugar yield according to the driving coefficient. The cumulative hydrogen yield was significantly affected by ultrafine grinding pretreatment, the hydrogen yield of pretreated corncob was 153.60 +/- 5.8 mL/g total solids, which was higher than that of untreated corncob (113.20 +/- 3.2 mL/g total solids).



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