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On the Function of the System of the People's Congress from a Perspective of the Role Theory——With an Additional Discussion about the Book of Study on the Political Activities of the NPC Representative from a Perspective of Political Role



英文题名:On the Function of the System of the People's Congress from a Perspective of the Role Theory——With an Additional Discussion about the Book of Study on the Political Activities of the NPC Representative from a Perspective of Political Role










外文期刊名:Socialism Studies





外文关键词:Role Theory; the Function of the System of the People's Congress; to Run the State by Law; Political Stability

A comprehensive understanding of the function of the system of the People's Congress is a precondition for upholding, developing and perfecting the system itself. The book entitled Study on the Political Activities of the NPC Representatives from a Perspective of Political Role, which was written by Wang Yuan-cheng, deputy to the 10 th and 11 th National People's Congress, with the materials of his personal experiences of being elected to be a deputy to the NPC and his participation in the administration and deliberation of the state affairs, offers a detailed description of the operation process of the NPC system and of how the deputies to the NPC carry out their duties. Such a description provides precious materials for people to understand the functions of the system of the People's Congress. Based upon an analysis of the relevant accounts and descriptions of Wang's book from a role theory's perspective, this article generalizes the functions of the NPC system into seven categories, which means specifically that the NPC system is fi rstly a fundamental political arrangement to realize and improve the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. Secondly, it is a system to effectively safeguard the people in power. Thirdly, it is the precondition or fundamental system that guarantee the country run by law. Fourthly, it is a fundamental political arrangement to fully mobilize and well coordinate all the social forces to devote jointly to the cause of the state-building. Fifthly, it is the fundamental system to guarantee the legalization of the state regime and a good coordination of the governmental organs. Sixthly, it is a fundamental system guarantee to bring about a political stability. And lastly, it assumes a very important symbolic function, too. To be sure, there are now still some unfavorable factors for the NPC system to fully carry out its theoretically-designed functions. With these unfavorable factors dispelled, the functions of the NPC system will be much better played and the superiority of the system will be more fully brought about.



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