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Hypothesis Testing and Interpretation on Regional Economic Growth Club Convergence



英文题名:Hypothesis Testing and Interpretation on Regional Economic Growth Club Convergence










外文期刊名:Scientia Geographica Sinica





外文关键词:testing club convergence hypothesis; influencing factors; China; expanding directions

Since the reform and open trade policy was enacted in 1978, China's economy has achieved sustained and rapid growth for more than 30 years, becoming the world's second largest economy. But in recent years, China's economic growth continued to decline from 14.2% in 2007 fell to 6.9% in 2015. Nowadays,China's economy has entered a"new normal"period. Economic growth in developed regions is slowing down and some underdeveloped regions' economic growth has been accelerating. There are indications that China seems to be ushering in the golden age of developing regions catching up to developed areas. Shall the developing regions overtake the developed regions? And how shall the developing regions catch up with the developed areas? Furthermore, which areas will become the dominant forces of China's economic growth in the future?These are the real problems that need to be solved at present. And these issues are precisely classified in the main areas of club convergence research. In the real world, the phenomenon of coexistence of poor and affluent regions is very common. As a result, it has triggered to a prominent theme of club convergence in the existing literature. The related research can be more accurate when observing the spatial pattern of regional economic growth and analyzing the impact factors of different types of regional economic growth. This will undoubtedly provide important theoretical enlightenment and decision-making reference value for the promotion of the whole of economic growth. However, the current research on convergence club is still in the stage of testing whether there is the phenomenon of the club convergence, and the empirical research work is limited. This article reviews the existing literature from the aspects of testing the club convergence hypothesis, explaining the formation of convergence clubs, and relevant research about China. Then this article puts forwards some expanding directions as follows: 1) The research on the development of club convergence requires the combination of time dimension and space dimension, which can be extended to time and space coupling club convergence. 2) The study of club convergence needs to integrate into the heterogeneity of technology. 3) The test of the club convergence hypothesis needs to combine regional grouping and convergence test to improve the robustness of results. 4) The research on the formation mechanism of club convergence needs to consider the interaction of factors. 5) It is necessary to analyze the evolution mechanism of club convergence. 6) It is important to study club convergence among prefectures and counties in China.



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