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The impact of social support on the quality of life among older adults in China: An empirical study based on the 2020 CFPS  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)  


英文题名:The impact of social support on the quality of life among older adults in China: An empirical study based on the 2020 CFPS

作者:Shen, Tongtong[1];Li, Dongju[2,3];Hu, Zengyun[4];Li, Jie[2];Wei, Xi[2]

第一作者:Shen, Tongtong

通讯作者:Li, DJ[1];Li, DJ[2]

机构:[1]Dongbei Univ Finance & Econ, Sch Stat, Dalian, Peoples R China;[2]Henan Univ Econ & Law, Sch Stat & Big Data, Zhengzhou, Peoples R China;[3]Henan Univ, Sch Econ, Kaifeng, Peoples R China;[4]Chinese Acad Sci, Xinjiang Inst Ecol & Geog, State Key Lab Desert & Oasis Ecol, Urumqi, Peoples R China

第一机构:Dongbei Univ Finance & Econ, Sch Stat, Dalian, Peoples R China

通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Henan Univ Econ & Law, Sch Stat & Big Data, Zhengzhou, Peoples R China;[2]corresponding author), Henan Univ, Sch Econ, Kaifeng, Peoples R China.|[10484]河南财经政法大学;





基金:This work was supported by the Key Program of the National Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 21ATJ003), the Innovation Team of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Henan Colleges and Universities (2017–CXTD-07), the 2021 Annual Program of Huamao Financial Research Institute of Henan University of Economics and Law (Measurement and Demonstration of Welfare Based on High- Quality Development), and the National Natural Science Foundation of P.R. China (Grant No. E1190301).


外文关键词:older adults; quality of life; formal social support; informal social support; Shapley value decomposition

摘要:BackgroundAs aging issues become serious, how to guarantee and improve the quality of life among older adults has become a hot topic in China. This article is aimed to discuss the impact of formal and informal social support on the quality of life among older adults and the differences in gender and urban-rural areas. MethodsThe data used in this article are from the 2020 China Family Panel Studies (CFPS). Quality of life is measured from three dimensions of life: satisfaction, self-rated health, and mental state. This article uses the ordered logistic regression model to analyze the impact of social support on life satisfaction and self-rated health, and the binary logistic regression model to analyze the impact of social support on the mental state. The method of Shapley value decomposition further analyzes the contribution of influencing factors to the quality of life. ResultsThe activities of daily living (ADL) and income significantly impact the quality of life among older adults. Formal and informal social support positively improved the quality of life among older adults, but the effect of informal social support is greater than that of formal social support. The male older adults are significantly better than the female adults across all three dimensions of quality of life. The mental state of urban older adults is better than that of rural older adults. ConclusionFormal and informal social support should be strengthened to improve the income of older adults. Older adults should be encouraged to participate in social activities and good interpersonal relationships should be established actively. Female older adults should be paid more attention. The proportion of female older adults participating in insurance should be increased, and the family and intergenerational care burden for female older adults should be reduced. The leisure life of urban older adults should be enriched. The basic social insurance and health service systems in rural areas should be improved.



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