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Computer-Aided Internet of Things System Structure for Urban Tourist Attractions  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Computer-Aided Internet of Things System Structure for Urban Tourist Attractions

作者:Liu, Qingqing[1]; Wei, Qing[2,3]

机构:[1] School of Tourism & Exhibition, Henan University of Economics and Law, Zhengzhou, 450002, China; [2] School of Management Engineering, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing, 100070, China; [3] School of Computer and Information Engineering, Henan University of Economics and Law, Zhengzhou, 450002, China






外文期刊名:Computer-Aided Design and Applications



外文关键词:Commerce - Tourism

摘要:Since the reform and opening up, the social and economic level has been continuously developed. The living standards of the masses have been steadily improved. Tourism activities have become an indispensable part of people's daily life. Therefore, my country's tourism industry has also achieved great development. The number of tourists is increasing year by year, and the scale of the tourism market is also expanding. At present, while my country's tourism industry is developing steadily, some new situations have also emerged. On the one hand, under the general trend of industrial integration, the tourism industry is more closely integrated with other industries. Under the current environment, many new forms of tourism have emerged in society. On the other hand, the level of information construction has been continuously improved, and the level of tourism development has also been affected to a certain extent. Information technology has become an important support for the development and transformation of the tourism industry. Based on the existing research results, this paper takes the tourist attractions as the research object, and analyzes the main ideas and key contents of the construction of smart scenic spots under the Internet of Things technology. This paper firstly clarifies the purpose, background and significance of the research systematically. In addition, this paper reviews the research situation at home and abroad, and expounds the ideas, contents, methods and innovations of this research. This paper further introduces the key technologies of the Internet of Things, and summarizes the construction of smart scenic spots from the perspective of construction background, connotation characteristics and construction specifications. Based on this, this paper further analyzes the goals of the construction of smart scenic spots. This paper comprehensively studies the outstanding problems existing in the construction of smart scenic spots. Finally, this paper puts forward relevant suggestions from the perspective of the Internet of Things technology to promote the construction of smart scenic spots in scenic spots. The research results of this paper include four aspects: service upgrade of smart scenic spots, improvement of smart management level of scenic spots, innovation of marketing model of smart scenic spots, and improvement of security system of smart scenic spots. ? 2023 CAD Solutions.



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