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Study on the Effect Factors and Distribution Changes of Rural Residential Under the Multiple Regional Environment:A Case Study of Gongyi City in Henan Province



英文题名:Study on the Effect Factors and Distribution Changes of Rural Residential Under the Multiple Regional Environment:A Case Study of Gongyi City in Henan Province









外文期刊名:Resources Science





外文关键词:Rural residential; Distribution changes; Regional environment; Gongyi City

The spatial distribution of rural residential areas can reflect the natural, economic and social development environment of rural residents living in the geographical distribution activity. With the continuous economic and social development, the external characteristics and spatial structure of rural residential areas have changed. The research on the distribution changes of rural residential areas is of great significance to the sustainable development of rural social economy. Researches on the spatial distribution pattern of rural residential and its influencing factors have been done from different angles. In the background of the accelerating urbanization and industrialization of rural agriculture, it is important to understand the characteristics of rural residence and land distribution. Taking Gongyi city in Henna as study case, the distribution changes of rural residence under the multiple environment during 1990-2006 years are analyzed by using GIS and landscape ecology method. The relationship between the characteristics of rural residence and land distribution and topography, land distribution, traffic and other environmental elements are also discussed. The results show that, with the rural economic and social development, the spatial distribution pattern of rural settlements has changed during 1990-2006 years with the following characteristics. First, the total residential area for farmers demonstrates a substantial increase in proportion to the whole area. Second, rural residential areas show the general expansion in the distribution with small scale of decentralized residences. Third, external control factors reinforced the influences on residential patches continuously. Fourth, spatial pattern of rural residence develop towards regularization. Fifth, the spatial distribution of rural residential areas develops from remote areas with less convenient traffic and inferior living conditions to areas with flatter terrain, better transportation infrastructure and more developed economic environment. The distribution of new residential to the expansion of the arable land and along major roads is the obvious trend. The large-scale, intensive and the rational location focus expanding should be the future development of integrated rural settlements of the main trends. In short, rural economic and social development needs of a reasonable spatial distribution pattern of rural residential.



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