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Observer-based consensus of fractional order parabolic PDEs agents on directed networks via boundary communication  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)  


英文题名:Observer-based consensus of fractional order parabolic PDEs agents on directed networks via boundary communication

作者:Wang, Fei[1];Zhang, Chuan[1];Yang, Yongqing[2];Li, Ning[3]

第一作者:Wang, Fei

通讯作者:Wang, F[1]

机构:[1]Qufu Normal Univ, Sch Math Sci, Qufu 273165, Shandong, Peoples R China;[2]Jiangnan Univ, Sch Sci, Wuxi 214122, Jiangsu, Peoples R China;[3]Henan Univ Econ & Law, Coll Math & Informat Sci, Zhengzhou 450046, Henan, Peoples R China

第一机构:Qufu Normal Univ, Sch Math Sci, Qufu 273165, Shandong, Peoples R China

通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Qufu Normal Univ, Sch Math Sci, Qufu 273165, Shandong, Peoples R China.





基金:This work was jointly supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation No. 2020M672027, 2020M672024, the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province of China under Grant No. ZR2022QF075, the Youth Creative Team Sci-Tech Program of Shandong Universities, China (grant no. 2019KJI007) , the National Natural Science Foundation of China [Grant 62073122, 61973183, 62003189] , Science & Technology Innovation Talents in Universities of Henan Province, China [grant 20HASTIT024] , the Outstanding Youth Science Foundation Project of Henan Province, China [grant 222300420022] , and the Key Program of Higher Education of Henan Province, China [grant 21A120001] .


外文关键词:Fractional order; Consensus; Parabolic PDEs; Boundary control

摘要:This paper investigates the consensus of fractional order multi-agent systems which are modeled by parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs). Both leaderless and leader-following consensus are studied. Observers are designed for every agent based on the outputs of them, furthermore, communications among agents just exist at spatial boundary position instead of at every spatial position. Some consensus criteria are derived based on fractional order Lyapunov method, which are formed as matrix inequalities. Finally, two examples are given to show the effectiveness of the theoretical results.



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