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A retrieval and validation method for shelterbelt vegetation fraction  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)  


中文题名:A retrieval and validation method for shelterbelt vegetation fraction

英文题名:A retrieval and validation method for shelterbelt vegetation fraction

作者:Deng Rong-xin[1];Wang Wen-juan[2];Li Ying[2];Zhao Dong-bao[1]

第一作者:Deng Rong-xin

通讯作者:Deng, RX[1]

机构:[1]North China Inst Water Resources & Elect Power, Inst Resources & Environm, Zhengzhou 450011, Peoples R China;[2]Henan Univ Econ & Law, Dept Resources & Environm Sci, Zhengzhou 450002, Peoples R China

第一机构:North China Inst Water Resources & Elect Power, Inst Resources & Environm, Zhengzhou 450011, Peoples R China

通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), North China Inst Water Resources & Elect Power, Inst Resources & Environm, Zhengzhou 450011, Peoples R China.








基金:Fund project: This project was supported by the High-level Personnel Scientific Research Project in North China Institute of Water Resources and Electric Power (No. 201207); the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy Sciences (No. KZCX1-YW-08-02-01), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41101373).



外文关键词:shelterbelt; vegetation fraction retrieval; vegetation fraction measuring; remote sensing

摘要:Shelterbelts are important in defending against natural disaster and maintaining ecological balances in farmland. Understanding of the shelterbelt vegetation fraction is fundamental to regional research of shelterbelts using remote sensing. We used SPOT5 imagery with 10×10m spatial resolution in combination with knowledge of the characteristics of shelterbelts to develop a method for retrieval of the vegetation fraction of shelterbelts by the pixel un-mixing model. We then used the method to retrieve values for shelterbelts in study area. By combining the parameters of photographic images with characteristics of shelterbelts, we developed a method for measuring the vegetation fraction of shelterbelts based on an advanced photographic method. We then measured the actual values to validate the retrieval result. The multiple correlation coefficients between the retrieved and measured values were 0.715. Our retrieval and measuring methods presented in this paper accurately reflect field conditions. We suggest that this method is useful to describe shelterbelt structure using remote sensing.
Shelterbelts are important in defending against natural disaster and maintaining ecological balances in farmland. Understanding of the shelterbelt vegetation fraction is fundamental to regional research of shelterbelts using remote sensing. We used SPOT5 imagery with 10x10m spatial resolution in combination with knowledge of the characteristics of shelterbelts to develop a method for retrieval of the vegetation fraction of shelterbelts by the pixel un-mixing model. We then used the method to retrieve values for shelterbelts in study area. By combining the parameters of photographic images with characteristics of shelterbelts, we developed a method for measuring the vegetation fraction of shelterbelts based on an advanced photographic method. We then measured the actual values to validate the retrieval result. The multiple correlation coefficients between the retrieved and measured values were 0.715. Our retrieval and measuring methods presented in this paper accurately reflect field conditions. We suggest that this method is useful to describe shelterbelt structure using remote sensing.



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