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Preliminary Research on Risk Evaluation of Gully Erosion in Typical Black Soil Area of Northeast China



英文题名:Preliminary Research on Risk Evaluation of Gully Erosion in Typical Black Soil Area of Northeast China










外文期刊名:Journal of Natural Resources





外文关键词:gully erosion;;Logistic model;;risk;;typical black soil area of Northeast China

摘要:选择黑龙江省乌裕尔河和讷谟尔河两流域所涉及的东北典型黑土区作为研究区,以SPOT 5影像为基础数据源,获取了研究区2005年的侵蚀沟分布数据,并且利用该数据对研究区沟蚀现状进行了评估。同时基于1:50 000地形图数据插值求取的DEM,提取了与沟蚀形成相关的11个地形因子。最后基于沟蚀数据和无共线性的8个地形因子构建了Logistic模型,据此模型对研究区沟蚀发生风险进行了评价,进而进行了沟蚀发生风险分级评价研究。结果表明研究区当前侵蚀沟共有14 184条,密度为322.11 m/km2,吞噬耕地约100.36 km2;基于Logistic模型获取的沟蚀发生风险空间分布图与研究区沟蚀分布现状较为吻合,以0.4分界时,研究区73%的侵蚀沟都发生在具有高危发生风险地区,评价结果能够反映研究区的沟蚀发生风险分布状况;通过风险分级图表可以评估研究区不同发生风险等级的沟蚀分布面积、分布特征和空间分布格局,便于管理者找出较为严重的侵蚀区,为有针对性地进行沟蚀防治提供依据。
Black soil area of Northeast China is one of the most important marketable grain bases in China, but serious soil loss resulted in crucial challenge to the marketable grain production. This paper, supported by Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, chose typical black soil area of Northeast China which is located in the scope of Wuyuer and Nemoer river basins as a study case and took SPOT 5 as data source, obtained gully distribution data in2005. Based on the gully distribution data, the gully erosion status of the study area was evaluated. Using 1:50000 relief maps as data source, DEM was obtained by interpolation and then11 topographic factors related with the gully formation were extracted. Based on gully data and eight no multi- colinearity topographic factors, the Logistic regression model was built. With the model, the risk of the gully erosion was evaluated and the risk classification evaluation of gully erosion was also done. The results showed that the total number of gully was 14184, the gully density was 322.11 m/km2 and the area of eroded cultivated land was 100.36 km2 in the study area. The risk map of gully erosion evaluated by Logistic model was identical with gully distribution in the study area. The high danger regions were mainly located in the northeast of Baiquan, middle of Kedong, east of Keshan, north of Nehe, middle of Beian and west of Wudalianchi. The low danger regions were mainly in the northeast low hilly region, the southwest plain and the bank region of Nemoer and Wuyuer rivers. When taking the value of 0.4 as gully dividing point, 73% of the gullies in the study area were formed in the high risk regions. In a word, the evaluation result can reflect the risk status of gully erosion. Furthermore, with the aid of the map and table of risk classification evaluation of gully erosion, this paper can get the area, pattern and characteristics of different risk classification of gully erosion. Based on the results, it can identify the serious erosion area and provide the scientific suggestion for the erosion prevention and management.



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