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When Does Positive Followership Characteristics Promote Work Outcomes? The Activation Effect of Benevolent Leadership



英文题名:When Does Positive Followership Characteristics Promote Work Outcomes? The Activation Effect of Benevolent Leadership










外文期刊名:Nankai Business Review





外文关键词:Positive Followership Characteristics; Benevolent Leadership; Task Performance; Affective Commitment; Leadermember Exchange.

摘要:以往学界和商界将焦点投向领导力,相对不注重考察追随力在组织中的功效。本文基于追随力的特质观,整合社会交换理论和特质激活理论,探讨了积极追随特质对工作产出(任务绩效和情感承诺)的影响效果、内部机理和边界条件。采用多层线性模型(HLM)对119个工作团队的上下级配对数据进行分析,结果表明:(1)积极追随特质正向影响任务绩效和情感承诺。(2)领导—成员交换(LMX)中介积极追随特质与任务绩效和情感承诺的关系。(3)仁慈领导正向调节上述中介模型的直接路径和第一阶段:在低仁慈领导下,积极追随特质对任务绩效和情感承诺的影响(直接路径)不显著,对LMX的正向影响(第一阶段)较弱;在高仁慈领导下,积极追随特质对任务绩效、情感承诺和LM X的正向影响被激活得更强。(4)仁慈领导正向调节积极追随特质与情感承诺之间经由LM X的间接效应,积极追随特质与任务绩效之间经由LMX的间接效应并未受仁慈领导的调节。
In the past decades, large amounts of organization research focused on the role of leadership in promoting work performance, while followers were seen as passive recipients and the study of followers as positive role has been largely missed. In fact, there is no leadership without followership, and followers are the direct creators of organization income. In order to change these misunderstanding and outdated views of followership, we conduct an empirical study to investigate the effect of positive followership characteristics on task performance and affective commitment. Data were collected from 501 dyads of followers and their immediate supervisors in 119 teams. The questionnaires for followers included leader-member exchange, affective commitment and benevolent leadership. The questionnaires for leaders included positive followership characteristics and task performance. Since our data contained a hierarchical structure in which individual score were nested within teams, we used hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to test our hypotheses. Results of HLM analysis revealed that: 1) Positive followership characteristics positively influence task performance and affective commitment. 2) LMX plays a mediator role in the process aforementioned. 3) Benevolent leadership positively moderate direct effect and first stage of the mediation model. The relationship becomes more positive as the benevolent leadership becomes stronger. 4) Benevolent leadership positively moderate indirect effect of active followership characteristic on affective commitment via LMX. Our findings generate several valuable insights with interesting theoretical and managerial implications. In terms of theoretical implications, the present study indicates that active followers could bring task performance and affective commitment to organization. Secondly, we investigate the effect of positive followership characteristics in the context of Chinese Confucian culture and verify the moderator role of benevolent leadership, which can expand our understanding of the indigenous contingency leadership and followership theory. Thirdly, the present study integrate followership into the leadership process and provide new direction for the leadership theory construction. In terms of managerial implications, the present study highlights the importance of active followers. Thus leaders should take some measures to develop active followers and show more consideration for followers. Finally, limitations and directions for future research are discussed.



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