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Controlling Shareholders′ Stock Pledge and Strategic Disclosure of Earnings Forecast



英文题名:Controlling Shareholders′ Stock Pledge and Strategic Disclosure of Earnings Forecast










外文期刊名:Journal of Management Science





外文关键词:controlling shareholders′stock pledge;earnings forecast;strategic disclosure;precision;accuracy

Earnings forecast is one of the important accounting information, which affects the value judgment of investors in the capital market and has gradually become a tool for management to maximize personal interests. In China, the degree of equity concentration is relatively high, and the type II agency problem is more prominent. Driven by interests, controlling shareholders have the ability to collude with the management to influence earnings forecast disclosure. However, it is difficult to directly identify the motives and behaviors of controlling shareholders′ expropriation. Therefore, the popular pledge business of controlling shareholders in recent years provides a research perspective.Based on the type II agency problem, this study takes Chinese A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen from2005 to 2019 as research samples and uses multiple regression analysis methods such as logit, ordered logit, and OLS, etc. to empirically test the relationship between controlling shareholders′ stock pledge and strategic disclosure of earnings forecast.Furthermore, this study analyzes the moderating effects on the above relationship from property rights, board structure, stock market cycle, and the risk of control transfer. On this basis, the long-term and short-term effects of earnings forecast′ strategic disclosure are also explored from the perspectives of stock return and the cost of equity capital.The results show that listed companies are prone to releasing positive earnings forecast before controlling shareholders′stock pledge, yet the precision and accuracy of positive earnings forecast are less, and optimistic bias is more;the frequency of this disclosure is higher during the stock pledge year. The basic results remain robust after endogenous problems and policy change are controlled. Further research indicates that non-state-owned enterprises′ controlling shareholders are more likely to disclose positive earnings forecast before the stock pledge;the board structure and stock market cycle have no effect on the disclosure probability of positive earnings forecast before the pledge;the greater the risk of control right transfer after the pledge,the greater the probability of positive earnings forecast disclosure by listed companies. In the short term, the positive earnings forecast can boost the stock price, which is beneficial to a high-price stock pledge of the controlling shareholders, but in the long run, the pledge weakens the effect of the positive earnings forecast on reducing the cost of equity capital.The research results provide further evidence for controlling shareholders to use information disclosure for market value management, to enrich the research on the influencing factors of earnings forecast disclosure, and extend the results of tradingdriven information management. In practice, it has certain enlightenment significant for listed companies to optimize the governance structure, small and medium-sized investors to fully understand the earnings forecast, and the regulatory authorities to strengthen the supervision of information disclosure.



版权所有©河南财经政法大学 重庆维普资讯有限公司 渝B2-20050021-8 
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