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The spatio-temporal patterns evolution and influence mechanism of situ urbanization in Henan province



英文题名:The spatio-temporal patterns evolution and influence mechanism of situ urbanization in Henan province










外文期刊名:Geographical Research





外文关键词:situ urbanization;spatio-temporal pattern;spatial correlation;spatial clustering;hot spot identification

Situ urbanization in China is considered as one of the evidences of significant changes in the human settlements system under the condition of urban-rural demarcation. Most of the existing literatures are confined to the urban-rural dualistic analysis framework. This paper established the local urbanization model on the urban-rural demarcation background,using entropy method and ArcGIS spatial analysis to examine the spatial pattern, spatial clustering and hot spot regional evolution of situ urbanization based on 108 counties(cities) in Henan province from 2006 to 2016. The conclusions are drawn as follows:(1) The results based on the entropy method show that, the level of situ urbanization has been improved significantly in most counties of Henan, but the remaining counties are still at the low level development phase, and relative difference on the level of situ urbanization is widening.(2) The results based on the ArcGIS software spatial pattern evolution show that, spatial evolution characteristics are obvious, that is, north and east Henan presents an "L"-shaped pattern in the pilot situ urbanization, and the level of urbanization in western Henan maintains is low, with distinct in-situ urbanization development trend.(3) The results of spatial autocorrelation based on Moran’s I exponent show that, the spatial autocorrelation of situ urbanization in Henan is obvious, spatial clustering tendency appears, space neighbor effect is obvious, but only small scale high-clustering and low-clustering areas appear.(4) The analysis of hotspot regional evolution based on Getis-Ord G* value statistic shows that, the distribution pattern of the hot spot and cold spot areas of the province has a big change, but that of the subcold and sub-hot areas is basically stable.(5) Based on the maximum likelihood estimation, the empirical test results show that, the level of infrastructure construction, the scale of urban employment, the size of population and the level of county fiscal expenditure are the important factors affecting the level of local urbanization in the study area. Based on the above conclusions, this paper points out that, it is necessary to promote local urbanization construction by accelerating the reform of household registration system and employment and entrepreneurship system, perfecting agricultural land circulation and land compensation system,encouraging the development of township enterprises and accelerating the construction of new rural communities in the urban fringe.



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