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Impact of Expressway Network Construction on the Regional Accessibility in the Yangtze River Delta



英文题名:Impact of Expressway Network Construction on the Regional Accessibility in the Yangtze River Delta










外文期刊名:Tropical Geography





外文关键词:expressway;accessibility;the Yangtze River Delta

The basic spatial economic efficiency of expressway network construction is to shorten regional travel mileage and travel time, which will be propitious to improve the regional traffic accessibility level and strengthen regional socio-economic linkage. Since the 1990s, the expressway in the Yangtze River Delta has experienced initial development stage, linear expansion stage, network construction stage and network promotion stage. With the large-scale construction of expressway infrastructure, the regional expressway network scale has been expanded significantly, the network connection degree has been improved and the network structure has been optimized continuously, whose direct spatial economic effect is to promote spatial-temporal accessibility in the Yangtze River Delta. In the paper, the Yangtze River Delta is taken as a research scope, the spatial-temporal accessibility level and changes are calculated and compared by the model of node average traffic mileage, node average circuitous coefficient, node average travel time and regional average travel time, based on the database of highway network in the Yangtze River Delta in 1992, 1998, 2004 and 2010. The results show that: 1) Average traffic mileage of each county has been shortened, and the average circuitous coefficient has also reduced greatly, but the variation range disparity is remarkable in different development stages and among different counties, especially, the variation range of node average traffic mileage in the third stage (2004-2010) was the greatest among the three stages, and the variation range of node average circuitous coefficient of the counties along the Yangtze River and Hangzhou Bay was greater than that of the others because of the construction of Suzhou-Nantong Yangtze Road Bridge and Hangzhou Bay Bridge. 2) The node average travel time and the regional average travel time also got a great promotion under the construction of expressway in the Yangtze River Delta, especially in the outlying district of the Yangtze River Delta, while the variation range of node average travel time and regional average travel time would be decreased under the limitation of diminishing marginal returns of highway network construction. Through the comparison of spatial-temporal accessibility and its promotion in different development stages in the Yangtze River Delta, the necessity and significance of expressway construction are objectively demonstrated, which can be in favor of providing the theoretical reference for the transportation network optimization and regional development strategy formulation.



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