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Latent Legal Risk of Clients, Tiers of Auditors' Size, and the Diversity of Coping Strategies



英文题名:Latent Legal Risk of Clients, Tiers of Auditors' Size, and the Diversity of Coping Strategies










外文期刊名:China Accounting Review





外文关键词:Tiers of Auditors, Supervisory Punishment after Annual Report, Latent Audit Risk, Audit Pricing before Supervisory Punishment, Audit Disclosing before Supervisory Punish

The related literature about audit risk and audit strategy embodies two characteristics. The first characteristic is that the existing literature pay more attention to explicit audit risk, but the attention to implicit audit risk is not enough. The second characteristic is that the existing literature customarily divides the auditors into two groups: the big auditors and small auditors, and it partly covers the heterogeneity among auditors which located in different tiers. China is a rising market economy country, and the audit market segmentation has not been completed, and the audit market competition is stiff, so the auditors located in different tiers may take different competition strategies. This paper argues that, we should divide the Chinese auditors into 4 tiers, that is international Big4, the domestic first tier BigS, the domestic second tier BigS, and small auditors. On this foundation, we should investigate the di versity of the risk identification ability before supervisory punishment among auditors located in different tiers, and investigate the diversity of strategies dealing with audit risk before supervisory punishment among auditors located in different tiers. It will help to our comprehensive understanding of Chinese audit market. This paper adopts China listed companies during year 2001-2004 as a sample, to empirically study the coping strategy's diversity of different tiers auditors to latent legal risk before supervisory punishment of clients. It finds that, the big auditors take better prior counter measure, but the different tiers big auditors take different strategies. The Big4 and the domestic first tier Big5 report strict audit opinion on the latent legal risk before supervisory punishment of clients, and they do not ask for risk premium for the latent legal risk, but the group of domestic second tier Big5 just takes the measure of asking for risk premium. The Big4 and the domestic first tier Big5 are apt to disclose the illegal items of clients in the audit report, but the second tier Big5 has no difference from small auditors in this respect. It argues that, the Big4 and the domestic first tier Big5 are more independent from clients and are superior in audit quality. Compared with Big4 and domestic first tier Big5, there is still some way to go in audit independence and audit quality for other auditors. It also argues that, researchers should pay more attention to the study of multilevel auditors, and the regulator should lay stress on multilevel monitoring. This paper's contribution to audit research is.. it adopts posterior risk, that is supervisory punishment risk after event, as the audit risk index, and it divides the auditors into 4 tiers but not 2 tiers, and it finds that the auditors located in different tiers take different strategies to deal with the latent legal risk of clients.



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