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Analysis of the key influential factors on the road traffic safety based on the interpretive structural model



英文题名:Analysis of the key influential factors on the road traffic safety based on the interpretive structural model










外文期刊名:Journal of Safety and Environment




外文关键词:safety control; road; traffic safety; influencing fac- tor; interpretive structural model

This paper is aimed to heighten the traffic safety management level and promote the sustainable development and control of the traffic and transportation of the country based on the analysis of the structural model principle of the road traffic and transportation. For the said purpose,it has taken into a comprehensive account such factors,as the vehicle,road and the roadside environment,which may not only constitute the structural model and affect the efficiency of the inherent mechanism of the traffic and transportation system,but also form the natural hierarchical complexity of the structural elements of the entire road traffic safety system. The information and data summary quoted in the paper originates from the 13 experts of the ISM team,of which7 professors come from the college level traffic safety research institutions and the other senior managers are from the traffic and transportation managing commissions from Beijing, Shanghai,Guangzhou and Wuhan so as to make the data quoted fully confident and reliable. What is more,the paper has also managed to analyze the interlocked relationship among such factors,as the vehicle,the road and the environment interferencing factors via the interpretation of the structural map. As a result,it has been found that there exists a lot of factors which have direct effects on the road traffic safety,for instance,the technical and material qualities of the vehicle,the inspection responsibility sense and the actual frequency rate of the regular inspection,the entire status-in-situ of the vehicle safety and the emergency-rescue quaranteeing means and the safety-ensuring facilities. At the same time,the indirect factors responsible for the traffic and transportation safety may also include the road vehicle moving velocity up-limit,the up-to-date road traffic load limit,the maximal passenger-vehicle load rate,the traffic volume and density control and monitoring,etc. Besides,it is also of primary significance to take into full care the most essential elements,such as the vehicle overrun conditions,the traffic density,the road pavement type,the road facility up-to-date maintenance,the weather conditions,one-way lane number and the terrain features. Therefore,it is necessary to stress the importance of the road transportation quality maintenance and work out the entire detailed "Road Traffic Safety control Regulations"in addition to further strengthening of the regular inspection of vehicle supervision so as to heighten the road traffic safety management standard. And,secondly,it is also vital to improve the social public monitoring and control system on the road information and traffic accidents,particularly,the deathcausing casualties to win the monitoring favor and vigilance of the entire society and introduce the relevant road speed limitation restrictions in addition to the traffic volume dynamic information display and early warning mechanism. And,finally,it is also essential to strengthen the vehicle overrun and the traffic density monitoring,so as to ameliorate the road facilities supporting and sustainence system.



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