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Research into the dynamic and equilibrium relationship of Henan between consumer demand in rural and the economic growth  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Research into the dynamic and equilibrium relationship of Henan between consumer demand in rural and the economic growth

作者:Wang, Hui[1]; Li, Yinhai[2]

通讯作者:Wang, H.

机构:[1] Business Adiministration School, Henan University of Economics and Law, Zhengzhou, China; [2] National Digital Switching System Engineering and Technology, R and D Center, Zhengzhou, China


会议论文集:International Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 2011

会议日期:12 August 2011 through 14 August 2011



外文关键词:Economics - Error correction

摘要:-This paper, based on the data in Henan from 1985 to 2008, through the method of Cointegration analysis, and Error Correction Model, focuses the research on the dynamic balanced relationship between the rural consumption demand and the economic growth. The research result shows that there exists a dynamic balanced relationship between the consumption expenditure of the rural people and the per capita GDP. The rural per capita life expenses have a greater leverage effect on the economic growth than the per capita household managecosts. In the stagnant period of one, two, four and five years, the per capita GDP growth constitutes a uni-directional cause-effect relationship with the rural household management cost; in the stagnant period of three and four year, the per capita GDP growth and the rural household life cost form the two-way directional cause-effect relationsh. Finally, this paper, proposes policies suggestions based on the results of the research. ? 2011 IEEE.



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