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An Experimental Comparative Study of Foreign Inbound Tourists’ Explicit Attitude and Covert Prejudice in Cross-cultural Interactions



英文题名:An Experimental Comparative Study of Foreign Inbound Tourists’ Explicit Attitude and Covert Prejudice in Cross-cultural Interactions










外文期刊名:Tourism Tribune





外文关键词:host-guest interaction;explicit attitude;covert prejudice;language prejudice measurement

The phenomenon of cross-cultural host-guest interaction in tourism has long been a research concern in tourism geography and tourist behavior. Despite this, almost no studies have attempted to directly correlate explicit attitudes with covert prejudice. To accomplish such a comparison the explicit attitudes of foreign inbound tourists to China is determined through a group attitude semantic differential scaling questionnaire. The covert prejudice of foreign inbound tourists is determined by using language prejudice measurement experiments in the questionaire. The difference and relevance between the explicit attitude and covert prejudice of foreign tourists is then differentiated by demographic characteristics adopting TWINSPAN, mean, T-test, analysis of variance, and pearson correlation analysis measurements. Results showed that inbound tourists can be divided into four explicit types based on differences in explicit attitudes: respectful tourists, friendly tourists,intermediate tourists, and prejudice tourists type. In addition, covert prejudice can be seen in the different ways tourists refer to the same behavior among their ingroup(other tourists) and outgroup(destination residents). Foreign inbound tourists, for example, use more vague and abstract words,which can be more easily generalized, to describe perceived negative behavior among local Chinese and more specific and narrowly defined words to describe the same behavior by other tourists.Demographic characteristics such as gender, age, education level, and number of previous visits to China correlate to different degrees with explicit attitudes and covert prejudice. Gender shows no correlation with explicit attitudes, but there are gender differences in covert prejudice, with females being more covertly prejudiced than males. Although the number of past trips to China might correlate with increased positive explicit attitudes and reduced covert prejudice, this correlation is not evident in the data. Lastly, foreign inbound tourists have dual attitudes to Chinese, which are explicit positive expression and covert prejudices disguise. With increasing cosmopolitan attitudes brought about by the globalization of international travel, the number of people who overtly express prejudice and arrogance is gradually decreasing. However, covert prejudices in cross-cultural communication still exist and are likely increased through the influence of"internal-external group effects"and"othering"between guest and host groups. Correlating and comparing explicit attitudes and covert prejudices expands the understanding of cross-cultural host-guest interaction in tourism research, particularly in the context of China. The language prejudice measurement methodology is shown to be an effective tool in uncovering complex and hidden covert prejudices.



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