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The spatial diffusion of agricultural specialized production under government promotion:A case study of mushroom production in Xixia county



英文题名:The spatial diffusion of agricultural specialized production under government promotion:A case study of mushroom production in Xixia county










外文期刊名:Geographical Research





外文关键词:agriculture; agglomeration; regional specialization; structural equation model(SEM)

摘要:以政府推动下逐渐发展起来的西峡县香菇产业为例,利用官方统计及调查数据,借助Arc GIS软件,分析了该县袋料香菇种植业的空间扩散现象,发现以下特征:(1)早期参与的村空间分布分散,晚期参与的村空间分布集聚;(2)初始参与强度相似的村空间分布分散;(3)当前生产规模较大和较小的村、专业化水平相近的村空间分布均显著集聚。构建指标体系,运用AMOS 21.0研究了政府对农业专业项目空间扩散的影响发现,政府对项目空间扩散的强度、速度和各村当前生产规模、专业化水平均具有显著正向影响(影响系数分别为0.438、0.213、0.459、0.815),但非政府因素(如地理、资源、经济背景等)改变了政府作用下专业项目空间扩散整齐划一的面状格局,使低水平均衡的空间分布逐渐被高水平集聚的空间格局所替代,出现了"面→点"的逆向空间扩散特征。
Regional specialization gradually becomes an important production mode in modern agriculture, which has been realized from labor division and development in agricultural production. "One Village One Product" or "One County One Industy" is one of its spatial forms. According to previous studies, under certain conditions, specialized agricultural production areas can be formed by government's strong promotions. In other words, the government, especially the local government as a main economic agent in regional economic development, has a direct impact on the spatial diffusion environment of the agricultural professional projects, thus affects the speed and the scale of the formation of the agricultural specialization production areas. By taking Xixia county's mushroom industry as an example,which is gradually developed by the government's promotions, this paper used survey data of mushroom cultivation in Xixia and found that:(1) the spatial distribution of mushroom planting was scattered over among the early participation villages, and was clustering among the late participation villages;(2) the villages with similar initial intensity was spread over the county(3) the villages with larger or smaller production scales had formed significant spatial agglomeration, which was also found within the villages with similar degrees of specialization.In this study, AMOS 21.0 and the Structural Equation Model(SEM) were used to explore the influence of the government on the spatial diffusion of agricultural projects. Results showed that the government had a significant positive impact on the intensity and speed of the project spatial diffusion and the current production scale and specialization level(the influence coefficients are 0.438, 0.213, 0.459 and 0.815, respectively). Non-governmental factors(e.g.geographical conditions, resources, economic background, etc.) changed the uniformity of the spatial spread of professional projects under the influence of the government. This caused the spatial distribution of low level equilibrium to be gradually replaced by the spatial distribution of high level agglomeration, and the reverse spatial diffusion characteristic of "area-to-point" appeared. This study provides a reference for the realization of specialized production in agricultural areas.



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