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Analysis of Offline Fair Exchange Protocols in Strand Spaces  ( CPCI-S收录 EI收录)  


英文题名:Analysis of Offline Fair Exchange Protocols in Strand Spaces

作者:Li, Xiangdong[1];Guo, Qingpu[2];Wang, Qingxian[1]

第一作者:Li, Xiangdong

通讯作者:Li, XD[1]

机构:[1]Informat Engn Univ, Dept Network Engn, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, Peoples R China;[2]Henan Univ Finance & Econ, Ctr Comp, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, Peoples R China

第一机构:Informat Engn Univ, Dept Network Engn, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, Peoples R China

通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Informat Engn Univ, Dept Network Engn, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, Peoples R China.

会议论文集:International Conference on Computational-Intelligence and Security

会议日期:DEC 13-17, 2008

会议地点:Suzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA


外文关键词:Artificial intelligence

摘要:Formal and efficient protocol analysis by pen and paper is highly desired when informal and model-checking methods are not trusted in proving correctness of complicated e-commerce protocols. Based on strand spaces, this paper presents a method for fairness analysis of offline fair exchange protocols. With the new method, this paper formally analyzes an important offline fair exchange protocol- the ASW Certified Email Protocol, detects two flaws, and makes an improvement. The security analysis shows that such protocols as complicated as fair exchanges can be formally analyzed by pen and paper.



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