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Influence of Silent on Employee Creativity:Based on the Perspective of Employee Empowerment and Work Engagement



英文题名:Influence of Silent on Employee Creativity:Based on the Perspective of Employee Empowerment and Work Engagement










外文期刊名:Innovation science and technology

基金:国家自然科学基金地区项目“‘互联网’背景下职场员工数字化创造力:结构、多层次成因以及对员工职场行为与态度的效用机制”(72162032);国家社会科学基金项目“网络社群集体认同机制与组织社会化策略研究”(21BSH112);2017年度河南财经政法大学青年拔尖人才资助计划(Young Talents Fund Of HUEL);2019年度校级国家重点项目培育项目“基于个体-团队互动的组织惯例更新机制研究”;2021年度河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划(人文社科类)(2021-CX-041);河南省哲学社会科学项目“数字化背景下河南省科技型中小企业员工创造力影响机制研究”(2021BJJ008)。



外文关键词:employee silence;employee creativity;employee empowerment;work engagement

With the development of the digital economy,the rise of individual value has brought about the transformation of management paradigm.In the rapidly changing market demand,employees can identify and perceive customer needs through their creativity,and creatively put forward ideas,improve service capabilities by satisfying customer needs,and then provide core competitiveness for enterprise development.The individual value of employees has been paid more and more attention.In practice,Huawei proposes an organizational change plan called "Squad Leader War",which makes every employee a value creator and work worthy.After the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020,technologies such as remote conferencing and online office have solved the problem of enterprises resuming work and production during the epidemic.At the same time,online office has also reduced the communication and interaction of employees,and the phenomenon of employee silence has become more prominent,which seriously restricts the employee creativity.A review of the literature finds that employees’ voice behaviors can improve employee creativity,but few scholars have explored whether silent behavior,the opposite of voice,has an opposite effect on employee creativity.Based on the conservation of resources theory,this paper uses the hierarchical regression analysis method to conduct statistical analysis on 253 sample data matched with leaders and subordinates from 50 enterprises in Beijing,Zhengzhou and Guangzhou,explores the impact of employee silence on employee creativity,and discusses the mediating and moderating mechanisms of job engagement and employee empowerment in the relationship between employee silence and employee creativity.The results indicate:employee silence behavior significantly negatively affects employees’ work engagement and creativity;work engagement plays a complete mediating role between employee silence behavior and employee creativity;employee empowerment plays a moderating role in the relationship between employee silence behavior and employee creativity.That is,the higher the employee empowerment level,the weaker the impact of employee silent behavior on employee creativity;the lower the employee empowerment level,the stronger the impact of employee silent behavior on employee creativity.This paper focuses on employee silence behavior and employee creativity at the individual level,reveals the path mechanism and context of employee silence behavior affecting employee creativity,enriches the research on the antecedents of employee creativity,and provides management suggestions for corporate practice.First,managers need to strengthen the management of employees’ silent behavior,promote employees’ positive voice,and reduce employees’ silent behavior as much as possible;Second,enterprises can ensure safety needs,reduce employees’ negative emotions,enhance their sense of security,and increase employees’ work engagement;Third,Managers should innovate enterprise management methods,enhance employee empowerment,use digital technology for enterprise management,innovate management functions and methods,and inject new vitality into enterprise development.



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