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Research on the creative imitation innovation based on basic elements  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Research on the creative imitation innovation based on basic elements

作者:Xiao, H.M.[1]; Cui, C.S.[2]


机构:[1] Department of Mathematics and Information Science, Henan University of Economics and Law, Zhengzhou, Henan, China; [2] School Computer and Information Engineering, Henan University of Economics and Law, Zhengzhou, Henan, China


会议论文集:Extenics and Innovation Methods - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Extenics and Innovation Methods

会议日期:August 16, 2013 - August 18, 2013

会议地点:Beijing, China



摘要:Based on the introduction of creative imitation innovation in the second innovation, the necessity and feasibility of using this technology innovation is analyzed in this paper. Also it takes vibrating screen of petroleum machinery industry for example and described describes the entire innovation process by using extension innovation method. Then, with the extension transfer, an innovative product is got. This paper has been satisfied with the innovative products; improves the utilization of emerging technologies, empirical science and effectiveness of the extension method. In the past few years, the research of Extenics has obtained the substantial development. However there are still many important problems unsolved. This paper will discuss how to apply extension engineering method to the second innovation process. ? 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.



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